Investors and the public place increasing attention to ESG matters. At the same time with this growing awareness, a new legal and regulatory framework is being developed at European and national levels, which is aimed at imposing stricter due diligence and disclosure requirements.

GPBL, being aware of the need to identify effective and efficient solutions to meet the new needs of legal services from an ESG perspective, has dedicated a Practice Group, composed of a multidisciplinary team, to teaming up with clients and supporting them in structuring and implementing both projects with an ESG focus as well as different projects having regard to ESG matters.

The Practice Group proposes their legal services in a document which describes the various professional skills and areas of expertise.

The Firm’s legal assistance will cover all the aspects considered relevant under an ESG perspective, with the diversified and cross-disciplinary skills of the professionals involved.

Contact information:

Inquiries related to ESG matter can be addressed, in addition to the specific direct contacts, to
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